Saturday, February 12, 2011

Putting a little heat/passion in your cold calls (networking contacts)

In today's economy with so many people hitting up the same individual(s) for networking, you need to add a little value to the proposition.  It's more than mere practice, or self-confidence (we all feel a little less confident when under or unemployed).  So how do you just make the cold call a little warmer.  In a prior blog I indicate the need to review Sam Richter's free webinar and notes that I took from that presentation.

In a recruiting group (blog on cold calls), most of the suggestions are still those we've heard for the past 10 years.  Practice, practice, show confidence and maybe have some business intelligence.  For most of us the dreaded cold call can be avoided altogether.  Away to do this is to skip those hiring managers altogether who are only bothered by your visit because they don't have a product you're selling.  Even the greatest sales person is only going to without a current need is going to bother someone and at best get maybe someone else to bother.

Remember it generally takes 4-5 contacts before you close the sell (yor) unless they are then shopping for someone like you and you just happen to show up at the right time.  LinkedIn gives you a way to quickly get in front of those hiring managers who are either shopping for an employee or know someone who is.  Even creating a position to put you in may not be realistic in today's economy. All the networking books and tips that were presented in a good economy may not be as relevant in today's economy.

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