Saturday, March 12, 2011

More IT business Intelligence - connect to Susan Hall's posts

Getting connected to IT business intelligence by connecting to Susan Hall and her posts.  I just got this from David Halladay and find her posts to be a treasure trove for our IT transitioning team. 

The forwarde link from David was:  IT Business Edge <

Posted by Susan Hall Mar 8, 2011 10:38:36 AM

With the IPv4 address supply exhausted, the job market is heating up for IT pros who can help companies deploy IPv6 upgrades to their products, reports InfoWorld.

The article says demand is hot for network engineers, network architects and software developers experienced in IPv6 as companies such as Yahoo, AT&T and Juniper expand their offerings.

Federal agencies, too, are working against a September 2012 deadline to make the switch. And after years of ignoring the warnings, companies of all sizes are realizing they're forced to upgrade their websites to IPv6 within the next several months or the sites will be unavailable to new Internet users or devices with IPv6 addresses. says of the work to be done:
At some point, companies will need to integrate the two platforms, since IPv4 and IPv6 sites can't communicate directly with each other, and they'll need experts to enhance routers or deploy IPv6-enabled versions of applications.
Though there is no specific certification for IPv6, Dice says IT pros can enroll with vendors such as Cisco or in private training, through online resources such as this website or books. In this post, Rocky Mountain IPv6 Task Force Chairman Scott Hogg recommends two books:  "IPv6 Essentials" and "IPv6 Security."

That organization's annual IPv6 summit will be April 25-27 in Denver. Registration is $249 through March 31 and $349 afterward. The "Fast-Start IPv6 Training Class" is $499.

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